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Wow! Talk about a great hair day!
Elegant mane, velvety textures, soulful eyes and a soft bokeh background – so many marvelous skills to learn and practice in this beautiful Wild at Heart step-by-step tutorial by Meg Merry.
The mane may look complicated and difficult, but Meg has masterfully simplified it into a very easy-to-duplicate technique. And you’ll learn how to recreate that beautiful background in just three simple steps!
Working on a colored Strathmore paper with Prismacolor, you’ll use the color of the paper to help you establish values and save time as you draw this stunning beauty.
We know you’ll love learning new skills while drawing your own personal masterpiece.
About The Author:
Meg Merry’s art is characterized by her love of animals, nature, fantasy, and a lifelong passion for horses that she will never outgrow. She loves using a variety of media, such as ink, watercolor, pen, colored pencil, and marker. She has won several awards in the CPSA’s International Exhibitions.
Why an In-Depth tutorial?
A tutorial can be so useful in so many ways. A tutorial teaches you the author's methods. And also obviously, when you draw along with a tutorial, you learn by doing, which is much more powerful than learning by watching alone.
But even more importantly, a step by step teaches you how to break down complicated subjects into small, achievable steps, learning how to look at a reference photo with an artist’s eye, analyzing where and how to start, and which details to leave in and which to leave out. It's an important skill to learn and important for any colored pencil artist's success.
Publish Date: March 2022
Draw... Frame... Bask in your talent!