These beautiful, unique textiles are a cross -cultural collaboration combining Aboriginal designs and tradional Kashmiri handicraft. The chain-stitched (Gabba in local Kashmiri) cushions are hand stitched by
rural folk in remote villages in one specific region of Kashmir. Over generations they have honed their skills and refined their hand crafted produce. Only the most skilful artisans can faithfully reproduce the images we send to them. Aboriginal artists in remote regions in Australia, as well as others living in the cities, benefit from regular royalties paid monthly, as well as using these products to tell other people about their rich cultural heritage.
The main motif of this painting depicts the ‘wakirlpirri’ (dogwood [Acacia coriacea]) tree. ‘Wakirlpirri’ is a very useful tree that grows on the sides of creek beds and near ‘mulga’ trees. The seeds of this tree can be eaten raw or cooked on the fire. A deliciously sweet drink called ‘yinjirrpi’ is made from the seeds when they have been dried. The wood can be used to make weapons such as ‘karli’ (boomerangs) and dancing boards for ceremonies. It is also good wood for burning on the fire because rain cannot extinguish burning Wakirlpirri wood. In contemporary Warlpiri paintings traditional iconography is used to represent the Jukurrpa, particular sites and other elements. This Jukurrpa travels from Jarrarda-Jarrayi through to Puturlu (Mount Theo) west of Yuendumu. This Jukurrpa belongs to Japanangka/Japangardi men and to Napanangka/Napangardi women.
* Products come with artist information and art story *